roopit karana example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word roopit karana usage in english sentences. The examples of roopit karana are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., design.

Planning the products is a difficult task that is done by a team of marketing and design experts to ensure that whatever is produced is according to market demand.

Suhasini s design team developed some prints for bedcovers in bright colours on silk.
For example, in Raven s Progressive Matrices (RPM) Test, a design is presented from which a part has been removed.
For example, Kohs Block Design Test contains a number of wooden blocks.
t is nearly impossible to design a test that can be applied equally meaningfully in all cultures.
In chapter 14, you have learnt about the fundamentals of creating a database design in the context of accounting system.
This chapter deals with the basics of MS Access for implementing the databases and specifically deals with implementation of accounting databases, the design of which has been shown, described and discussed in chapter 14 as Model-I and Model- .
The accounting database design has been discussed below in terms of its implementation modalities in the context of MS Access.
Click at Tables object of Access, followed by double click at create table by design view.
Save the table design by clicking at File item of menu bar followed by click at Save option.
संबंधित शब्द रूपित करना के पर्यायवाची रूपित करना के विपरीत शब्द